The Stolen Billion Banknote

2014, Republic of Moldova. Three banks. Several public faces are involved, including the Government. One billion $ - vanished into thin air.

What has been stolen and transferred to offshore accounts has to be returned by every citizen of Moldova by 2041. The fraud is equivalent to 12% of Moldova's GDP.

On the 5th anniversary of the theft, we launched the first ever billion-dollar banknote. The project was commissioned by an independent TV channel TV8 and the investigative journalist Mariana Rață, in order to promote the TV show Cutia Neagră.​​​​​​​

The campaign includes the launch of a platform, On this page, doubled in Romanian, Russian, and English, you can check out the elements and their description by scrolling on the banknote.

TV8: Mariana Rață, Natalia Morari, Liliana Enachi, Denis Zavorotnii
Illustrator: Tatiana Trikoz
Creative agency: Piko 
Creative Director: Constantin Șarcov
Art Directors: Constantin Șarcov, Alex Burets
Copywriter: Beatrice Tabacari
Executive Producer: Ana Mirza
Bank robber: Nastea Colesnicov
Social Media: Gramatic
Web development: Amigo 
Print: Bons OfficesPromomediaSonaris-com




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